Home What’s new Our friend, Pömpeli Our friend, Pömpeli 15.03.2022 Blog Jaa: Does your company host visitors? Handling things using mobile solutions is the future of visitor management. But let’s not forget about self-service kiosks just yet. The most important thing for your arriving visitor is that everything is easy and smooth, and the self-service kiosks still play an important role in this. Mobile solutions are the sign of the time When Systam was founded 15 years ago, our idea was to provide a smooth method for managing visits in companies, industrial facilities and other properties. The most visible part of the solution was the self-service kiosk, which has since been lovingly known as Pömpeli among our staff. Pömpeli is colloquial Finnish and an endearing name for a box or a construction of some kind. The self-service kiosk enabled the visitors to sign-in on their own, especially on properties that do not have separate front-desk or lobby services. But even then (and even more so today), we understood that visitor management is not just about constructions, gadgets or signing in visitors. It is an entire concept within a property to handle issues related to security, safety, efficiency and good service. So that the experience of both the employees as well as the visitors could be improved.However, mobile solutions are truly the sign of the time. In visitor management, as in other services, the development of seamless mobile solutions has been the imminent direction when moving forward. In 2020, already 96% of Finns aged 16–74 used a smart phone. The global dangerous communicable disease, COVID-19, gave an even more decisive push to develop touchless and mobile solutions. Also at our end. We now offer more and more seamless solutions utilising intelligent devices. But even that has not meant the end to our Pömpeli boxes. They are still an important piece of the larger whole in the visitor management of properties. Why do the self-service kiosks still have an important role? 1. Improved service by responding to different types of needs Some of us like to handle things using our phones, whereas some prefer the self-service kiosk and others feel that front-desk services are the best solution. The cornerstone of good service is taking various needs and preferences into account. The self-service kiosks are a way to respond to various types of needs at a low threshold, and to enable accessibility and ease of use also for those who do not have the option to use mobile solutions or do not find it comes naturally to them. Self-service kiosks and mobile use can also support one another. 2. A distinct point of contact in the lobby area A self-service kiosk can be used for providing a visible point for welcoming visitors, especially in lobby spaces that do not have any front-desk personnel. A correctly placed self-service kiosk is easy to spot and provides clarity especially with drop-in visitors. 3. Support to touchless processes These days, many visitors avoid touching surfaces in public areas, and prefer using their own intelligent devices whenever possible. With visitors who have invitations, even the self-service kiosk does not require any physical contact, as the QR code embedded in the invitation can be scanned directly on the terminal by showing the code on your device. Use of the self-service kiosks can also decrease infection risk by reducing the need for human contact. 4. Visitor card printing A completely mobile visitor card is not sufficient in all potential environments. A visitor card printed on paper and attached to your clothing is still an important visual identifier in many locations, as it allows people to see at a glance who is a visitor and who is part of the staff. The self-service kiosks enable automatic printing of visitor cards, anywhere and anytime. All devices are not the same Now that we have you convinced that the self-service kiosks still have their place in all this, it’s time to talk about technology. The world is full of options for tablet computers and terminals for easy and fast running of different types of visitor management applications. However, we use our own dedicated self-service kiosks for a reason. Designed and manufactured in Finland, Systam Respa X is our modern self-service kiosk that includes all the required functions, in one single device. By using selected devices designed for a dedicated purpose, we can guarantee their quality. We set-up and test all our devices before delivery and ensure their straightforward implementation – also on site, if preferred. Our service includes continuous monitoring of the devices, as well as their remote control and warranty. In other words, we make sure that our customers always have the devices that are appropriate for their needs and function as intended. But what solution would work for you? All this praise, however, does not mean that visitor management absolutely requires a self-service kiosk. As we emphasised in the beginning, visitor management is so much more than just a device. It can be a completely mobile digital visitor path, or a comprehensive process that supports the work at the front desk as well as improves data security and efficiency. For us, the most important thing is that we can respond to various types of needs. And in achieving this, one tool among others is the self-service kiosk. If you feel that it would be a suitable part of your visitor management solution, you can be certain that we will provide you with the best possible device for this purpose. Get in touch and we can find the best solution for your visitor management needs – with or without self-service kiosks. 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