
Accountability is about caring. And the best thing about it is when it does not need to be separately pointed out, as it is composed of a collection of small and large choices made for humanity and a better tomorrow.

Key Flag

Finnish service

As a Finnish company, producing our services locally is a value judgement we have wanted to make. We want to support Finnish work and ensure the quality of our service. Our services are produced utilising Finnish data centres that ensure a high level of data security.

Our contribution to Finnish work and the domestic origin of products and services has entitled us to use the Finnish Key Flag Symbol.


Social responsibility

Human rights and equality are a given to us. We not only promote the occupational health, safety and wellbeing of our personnel, but also the accountable operations of our operational environment. With regard to our procurements and co-operation partners, we only work with actors whose operations, working conditions and wages are on an ethical basis. Co-operation with Finnish partners helps to ensure the ethical nature of the entire operating chain.

We monitor our activities actively on a monthly basis using pulse surveys for personnel to chart the thoughts and emotions our employees have on their work. We also support the culture of doing it right by enabling that everyone also has the option to provide feedback anonymously. We regularly support various charities, and our personnel gets to pick the causes we support with our donations.


Environmental sustainability

Electronic cloud-based services and paperless operations are at the centre of our activities, and in addition to saving energy, these methods also preserve natural resources. In our physical products, we take the environmental impact of materials into consideration. We offer options made from recycled paper for our visitor cards and we also recycle the plastic cores of empty card rolls for reuse.

All our premises follow appropriate waste sorting and recycling guidelines. Whenever possible, we engage in promoting more energy-efficient operations. For example, the property where our Tampere office is located switched to carbon neutral heating, and we participated in supporting the decision.


Financial accountability

We are a growing, evolving company committed to long-term development. Our operations generate prosperity and wellbeing for our owners, but also for the surrounding society and our employees. With regard to procurement and co-operation, our aim is to choose local and Finnish partners.

Our personnel have a decisive impact on our operations and, thus, also on our financial performance. We have adopted a bonus scheme for rewarding our personnel for results achieved. We want to excite the active interest of all our employees in generating results, and also in raising their own income level.