Meet Pasi – Our Software Architect


Greetings from the team

Our software development took a big step forward eight years ago, in the large boots of Pasi Saarinen who jumped in to join the team, and to spread the joy of marginal music genres and movies. Known as an easy-going person himself, Pasi is especially glad for the genuine way our team works together toward a common goal and the exceptionally good atmosphere at the workplace.

What do you do and what does your typical workday look like?

This spring marks my 8th year at Systam, and during my journey I’ve been hands-on in many tasks and projects. My current title is Software Architect, and my job description entails developing the software engineering of Systam services.

Lately my focus has been on the design of the overall system architecture as well as its various components and their methods of implementation. In addition to the more challenging design work, I often take the time to perform various development and coding tasks, resolve possible bugs and issues in the system and help out my company-wide team members with questions or technical problems.

The list above is also a very good description of a typical workday for me; I communicate with my colleagues and carry out development-related tasks for ongoing projects. With a substantial amount of coffee and music on the side.

What attracted you to Systam?

I was on the lookout for an interesting new position when I found Systam. Motivated to shorten my commute to work, I had decided to take a shot in the dark and look for positions in the nearby cluster of technology in Hervanta, Tampere. By chance, the people at Systam had just started thinking about recruiting their first software developer when they received my open application by email. At that point, my fate was sealed!

What about your previous life?

One way or another, my previous life has been revolving around computers, starting from the C64 era in the 1980s and the BBS/demoscene in the 1990s. Before Systam, I worked for six years as a software developer in Nokia via Teleca.

What is best about your job?

When I started at Systam, the company was still quite small. It has been great to be part of the shared story of growth from early on, and to see how I have been able to impact that growth. Since the beginning, I feel that the work atmosphere and team spirit at Systam have been exceptional – there is just the right amount of that trollface twinkle in people’s eyes.

It has been wonderful to see that the team spirit has not been shaken during the company’s growth, as this is something that cannot be taken for granted. The collective and sincere way the team works together is still true today. None of us “just work here”; everyone strives hard to achieve the best possible results. The freedom and responsibility combined are the driving force behind this, as it allows everyone to implement things as they see fit. Another important element here is the general trust that this is exactly how every employee will also act. And, the fact that everyone’s voice counts. We all have the chance to influence what we do and how we do it.

What keeps you busy during your spare time?

I am a marginal-music enthusiast, a movie freak and a casual PC gamer. I play the bass in a doom band and occupy my time also in coming up with these one-man music projects. Generally speaking, there does seem to be a lot of projects in various phases of development in my life. I am easily caught up in a particular theme that then tends to remain in the back burner after my initial excitement. Recent themes have included, for example, BBQ projects with smoked foods, tweaking home automation solutions, designing a beer/wine cellar, overkill optimization of my home network, and taking on drumming. Some projects have remained at the starting line and some have progressed a bit further.

In practice, most of my spare time has been allocated for my family and especially my 18-month old daughter.

What do others often not know about you?

I needed to think about this question for a while, as I feel that I am quite an open person, and I don’t have that many skeletons in my closet. But, I can share this: I am a devout follower of Snake Cult, which just may be the country’s only registered Conan the Barbarian association. CROM!

Thank you Pasi!

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